Wintertree Software Inc.

WSpell ActiveX Spelling Checker

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Diagnostic Log File

Applies to: Version 5.13.3 and later

This article contains instructions on configuring WSpell to record diagnostic information in a log file. The diagnostic log file may be useful in debugging certain problems, particularly problems involving dictionary files.

To enable diagnostic logging, perform the following steps:

  1. Run regedit.

  2. Open HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, and create or open a path to Software\Wintertree\WSpell.

  3. Create a new String Value named LogFile under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Wintertree\WSpell.

  4. Set the LogFile value to "c:\wspell.txt" (or some other file name in an existing path).

  5. Exit regedit.

  6. Re-start the application which uses WSpell, and perform whatever steps are needed in the application to reproduce the problem.

  7. Copy the contents of c:\wspell.txt to an e-mail message to Wintertree's Support group describing the problem.

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