Use the form below to remove words from and add words to your user dictionary.
The user dictionary contains words you use that are not in the spelling checker's main dictionary. If the spelling checker reports that a word is misspelled, but you know the word is correctly spelled, you can add it to your user dictionary so the spelling checker will not report the word again.
To remove a word from the user dictionary:
Select the word you want to remove from the "User dictionary contents" list.
Click on the "Remove Word" button.
To add a word to the user dictionary:
Enter the word you want to add to the "Word" field. The word may contain letters, numbers, hyphens, and apostrophes, but should not contain spaces or punctuation. The word should start with a capital letter only if that is the correct way to spell it (e.g., America).
Click on the "Add Word" button.
To save your changes and return to the previous page:
Click on the "OK" button.
To discard your changes and return to the previous page:
Click on the "Cancel" button.