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To measure the performance of the Sentry DLL, we used the "Performance" demo in the Sentry Example Program, written in C++/MFC, included with the Sentry Windows SDK. We ran the tests on a 2.66 GHz computer running Windows XP. The machine has 1GB RAM and 100GB of disk space.
To perform the performance measurements, we obtained the English text of War and Peace from Project Gutenberg. The novel contains 564,224 English words and about 3.2 million characters.
The option settings can affect performance. The following option settings were used:
Ignore capitalized words: Disabled
The document was then checked 10 times, and the time required to check the spelling of the document was recorded by the software. The following times were recorded for each run:
1547 ms
Average time: 1551.5 ms, or 1.5515 seconds. Sentry checked War and Peace in less than 1.6 seconds, at an average rate of 363,663 words per second (564224 / 1.5515), or about 2.7 microseconds per word.
All tests were conducted using the Perform Demo program. Source code for the Perform demo is included with the Sentry Source SDK. The Perform demo uses memory-based dictionaries. The demo was built as a 32-bit Windows console-mode application. To run Perform, enter the name of an ASCII text file on the command line:
perform file.txt
We ran the tests on a 700MHz Pentium III computer running Windows 2000. The machine has 256Mb RAM and 20Gb of disk space.
To perform the performance measurements, we obtained a large document (part of a novel, actually) from the Web. The document contains 37,732 English words and 238,087 characters. The document contains 4,831 different words, ranging from "the" (1643 occurrences) to words like "confused" and "sentient" (one occurrence).
The document was checked using Perform 10 times. Perform displayed the following times for each run:
Average time: 0.146s.
Sentry checked the document at an average rate of 181,719 words per second (26531 / .146).
All tests were conducted using the PerformanceTest demo which comes with the Sentry Java SDK. We ran the tests on a 700MHz Pentium III computer running Win 2000. The machine has 256Mb RAM and 20Gb of disk space.
To perform the performance measurements, we obtained a large document (part of a novel, actually) from the Web. The document contains 41,164 English words and 238,087 characters. The document contains 4,831 different words, ranging from "the" (1643 occurrences) to words like "confused" and "sentient" (one occurrence).
The document was checked using PerformanceTest 5 times using Java 1.4.2. The following results were displayed for each run:
1963ms (20969 words/second)
Average checking rate in words per second: 21034.
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