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Wintertree Software respects and protects your privacy. No personal identifying information is displayed on-line or is accessible to the general public via our web site or e-mail.
Your browser and Wintertree Software's secure server encrypt confidential information during transmission, ensuring that transactions stay private and protected.
Our on-line order form is secure. Our site protects information you enter in our order form with the highest levels of security. Our servers use industry-standard Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), an advanced encryption technology that works with Netscape Navigator and Communicator (version 2.0 and above), Microsoft Internet Explorer (version 3.0 and above), and AOL (version 3.0 and above) browsers. SSL encrypts all of your personal information, including your credit card number, name, and address, so that it cannot be intercepted as the information travels over the Internet between your browser and our site. Any credit-card information entered on our order form is stored in a secure database. Credit-card information is never transmitted via e-mail.
You can verify the security of our order form in the following ways:
In Netscape: Look for a closed padlock icon at the lower-left corner of the browser window.
In Internet Explorer: Look for a padlock icon in the bottom bar of the browser window.
Click on the "SiteSafe" logo at the top of the order form to display information on the status of Wintertree Software's Secure Server Id.
Wintertree Software's web site uses software tags called "cookies" to store certain information. Cookies are small, private files maintained by your browser and stored on your computer's local file system. Browsers restrict the visibility of a cookie to the web site which created it, so cookies created by Wintertree Software's web site cannot be read by other, third-party web sites, and Wintertree Software's web site cannot read cookies created by other web sites. Information stored in cookies is used to make your use of Wintertree Software's web site easier. For example, items purchased through our web site are added to a "shopping cart;" the contents of the shopping cart are stored in a cookie. Information in cookies is used only for its intended, stated purpose. At no time will information in cookies be used to derive additional information about users of Wintertree Software's web site. Information in cookies is never given to third parties.
Wintertree Software reserves the right to monitor order activity to maintain security and guard against fraud. Wintertree Software also reserves the right to reject any order deemed to be fraudulent, made in bad faith, or that may be in violation of local laws, taxes or restrictions. It is unlawful to submit orders under a false name or with an invalid credit card. All orders may be screened to guard against fraud and to verify the identity of the customer. For your protection, credit card orders may be delayed while screening takes place.
Persons who commit fraudulent activity will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Web browsers transmit a unique address (the IP address) that can be used by law enforcement officials to identify fraudulent activity. Information related to a suspected fraudulent order may be provided to law enforcement officers, the issuing bank, and shipping carriers.
Wintertree Software will not disclose your e-mail address or other personal information to third parties, except third-party credit-card vendors (VISA, FDLC (MasterCard), and American Express), unless you explicitly give us permission to do so.
Wintertree Software will not use any personal information you enter for any purpose other than that for which you entered the information. For example,
If you place an order, we may contact you to discuss the order
If you request a product evaluation, we will contact you (via e-mail) to provide download instructions and to notify you when the evaluation period has expired
If you contact us via fax, e-mail, or telephone to ask a question, seek help, or make a comment, we will respond with an answer or assistance.
We will not use the information you enter for other unrelated purposes such as marketing. However, any comments you send become the property of Wintertree Software and may be used for any purpose, though we will not publish your identity without your explicit permission.
From time to time, we may contact purchasers of a product to inform them of new features, upgrades, solutions to problems, or new related products. We may also contact evaluators during an evaluation period to inform them of new versions. In the future, we may use customer information for new, unanticipated uses not previously disclosed in our privacy statement. If our practices change at some time in the future we will use for these new purposes only data collected from the time of the policy change forward.
When products are purchased by an organization, we may add the customer's web site to our Customer Links page. If, for any reason, you do not wish to have your organization's web site listed there, it will be removed on request.
On occasion, potential customers ask for references from existing customers. When this happens, we randomly select a few customers who purchased the product of enquiry and contact them to ask if they agree to be contacted by the potential customer. Only if permission is explicitly granted will the customer's contact information be forwarded to the potential customer. We take no responsibility for the potential customer's use of the customer's contact information in these circumstances.
Copyright © 2015 Wintertree Software Inc.