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Spell Check Applet now displays a spelling dialog box with a more attractive appearance. Buttons and controls in the dialog box are sized consistently and aligned uniformly. The new dialog box is displayed if the browser's Java library supports it; if not, the original dialog box is displayed. The new dialog box is based on Swing, while the original dialog box is based on older AWT.
The new Swing dialog box solves a problem that existed with the original dialog box when the browser was IE under Windows using Sun's 1.5 JVM: If the text contained multiple lines, replacements made in the dialog box's context area were misaligned, resulting in corruption of the text. This problem was the result of a bug in Sun's AWT library. The Swing library does not exhibit the bug, so the Swing dialog box resolves the problem.
Spell Check Applet's API includes new methods that support spell-checking using an external user interface (or no user interface). It is now possible to use Spell Check Applet to check spelling in client-side applications, and to interact with the user via your own user interface.
Spell Check Applet now comes with a pop-up HTML spelling form. You can use the pop-up form in place of the built-in spelling dialog box, if you like. The form is implemented as an HTML file, so you can customize its appearance any way you like. Several new examples that demonstrate use of the pop-up spelling form are now included.
A problem where the getNumWordsChanged method did not include a count of deleted words has been corrected.
The method used to display the spelling dialog box has been changed for better portability on different platforms.
The dictionaries are now read in the background, as soon as the applet starts. Because the dictionaries are loaded in the background, the user can perform other tasks (such as entering text) during loading.
The Spell Check Applet no longer reads settings from a property file. Instead, settings are made through <PARAM> tags in the HTML code referencing the applet. This will reduce conflicts with older browsers.
The IGNORE_HTML_MARKUPS_OPT option has been defined. This option causes the Spell Check Applet to skip over any HTML markups in the text being spell-checked.
The Spell Check Applet no longer displays a copyright notice. Instead, the applet requires that a <PARAM> named "Copyright" containing a copyright notice be set.
The Spell Check Applet no longer displays a message box in the HTML page which references it. The applet's user interface is invisible until a spelling check starts.
All control labels and strings displayed by the applet's spelling dialog can now be replaced at run-time through <PARAM> tags. This permits translating the applet's user interface to a language other than English.
The Spell Check Applet's spelling dialog box is now "modeless," meaning other browser actions and scripts can execute while the spelling dialog is displayed. This change also solves a problem where Internet Explorer would not repaint its background when the spelling dialog was moved. As a consequence of this change, the check method now returns immediately (in previous versions, it returned when the spelling check was complete). A new method (getStatus) has been defined so scripts can determine when the spelling check is finished.
The font name and size of text displayed in the spelling dialog box can now be specified through <PARAM> tags.
The text property has been replaced with the getText and setText methods.
The numMisspelledWords property has been replaced with the getNumMisspelledWords method, the numWordsChanged property has been replaced with the getNumWordsChanged method, and the numWordsChecked property has been replaced with the getNumWordsChecked method.
Dictionaries in 50,000-word and 25,000-word sizes are now included with the Spell Check Applet, in addition to the 100,000-word dictionaries. Using smaller dictionaries will reduce the dictionary load time required.
A problem where the contents of previous user dictionary were not cleared when the setUserDictionary method was called has been corrected.
A problem with font size in the spelling dialog box on UNIX systems has been corrected.
The numMisspelledWords, numWordsChanged, and numWordsChecked properties were added.
A problem with incorrect references to "ssce.jar" in demo2.html and demo3.html has been corrected.
A problem where words added to the user dictionary in Internet Explorer had no effect has been corrected.
A problem with option properties in has been corrected.
A problem where a NullPointerException would be raised in Internet Explorer when checking an empty string has been corrected.
A problem where highlighting of misspelled words in the context area of the spelling-checker dialog box would be incorrect when checking multi-line text in Internet Explorer has been corrected.
First release.
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