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Product name changed to Wintertree Thesaurus Engine. All API functions were modified as a result.
Now includes a "small" thesaurus database which contains more tightly focussed synonyms, which may be better suited for expanding terms in searches than the large, general purpose database.
Support for pseudo-hierarchal category names added (see Hierarchal thesaurus structure for more information).
A hierarchal product thesaurus database is now included, containing synonyms for generic product names (not brand names).
Separate thesaurus databases with American, British, and Canadian spellings are now included.
The format of compressed thesaurus files has been redesigned for portability. The same compressed thesaurus files can be used on big-endian or little-endian systems.
Performance of keyword and category searches has been dramatically improved.
Windows SDK: Examples which show how to call the Core API in a Windows application are now included.
Improved the performance of keyword lookups.
Added additional categories to the thesaurus dateabase for past-tense verbs and plural nouns.
ThesDB_ReadFirstCategoryWord now returns THESDB_UNKNOWN_CAT_ERR if the category is unknown.
Category and synonym names can now use 8-bit characters.
Corrected some category names in the British English thesaurus database which used American English spelling.
Added some keywords and categories to the thesaurus database.
Improved the accuracy and quality of suggestion lookups.
Windows SDK: The thesaurus dialog now displays "(None)" under Antonyms if no antonyms are found.
Windows SDK: Fixed a problem where the 16-bit ThesDB DLL wrote negative integer values to the INI file if the value was greater than 65535.
Windows SDK: Use an INI file instead of the system registry when running under Win32s.
Windows SDK: Removed the Close button from the thesaurus dialog box.
Windows SDK: Corrected some declaration errors in thesdb.pas (Delphi).
Windows SDK: Corrected a problem where properties were accessed in the system registry using KEY_ALL_ACCESS. This prevented the properties from being accessed on some systems.
Windows SDK: Defined THESDB_NO_WINDOWS preprocessor macro, which allows source files to be compiled with strict ANSI checking with VC++.
Source SDK: Corrected some compiler warnings which were generated when the source code was compiled at very strict warning levels.
Added an option to enable and disable case sensitivity.
Improved the performance of suggestion lookup.
Corrected a number of spelling errors in the thesaurus database.
Windows SDK: The keyword history drop-down list in the thesaurus dialog box now shows keywords in the order they were entered, not in sorted order.
Windows SDK: Fixed some declaration problems in thesdb.pas (Delphi).
Windows SDK: Added a non-VCL Delphi example.
Windows SDK: Corrected a problem with the color of the Antonyms check-box in the thesaurus dialog box.
Windows SDK: The ThesDB programmer's guide is now distributed in Windows Help format.
Source SDK: Added #include <errno.h> to source files which referenced errno.
Added "extern C" to thesdb.h for use in C++ applications.
Windows SDK: Fixed a problem with missing exports in the ThesDB Windows DLLs.
Windows SDK: Fixed a Delphi declaration problem which prevented the ThesDB DLL from being found when an application was run under Windows 3.1.
Internal release.
Windows SDK: Fixed a problem where property values were not being read from the INI file.
Windows SDK: Fixed a problem where message stating "Cannot write to device AUX" is displayed.
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