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You are here: Home > Support > Wintertree Spelling Server > AddToUserDict method returns -14
Applies to: All versions
Symptom: When you call the AddToUserDict method, -14 is returned. This return code is not documented in versions of the Spelling Server User's Guide released prior to 2010.
Discussion: The -14 error code is returned when the user dictionary exists but cannot be opened for writing. When your application calls the AddToUserDict method, Spelling Server attempts to open the indicated user dictionary file. If the attempt to open the file fails for any reason, Spelling Server attempts to create the file. If the file exists, the attempt to create the file will fail, and the -14 error code is returned. The -14 error code actually means that an attempt to create a file failed because the file already exists. However, an attempt is made to create the file if the initial attempt to open the file failed for any reason. One common reason that the user dictionary file may not be openable is permissions.
Because the AddToUserDict method will automatically attempt to create the user dictionary file, a return value of -14 should be interpreted as a problem with opening an existing user dictionary file. The most common reason that Windows would prevent an existing file from being opened is file permissions.
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