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You are here: Home > Support > WSpell > "Add" item hidden in context menu or disabled in spelling dialog |
Problem: The "Add" item does not appear in the context menu displayed by the CheckBackgroundMenu method, or the "Add" button is disabled in the spelling dialog box, so words cannot be added to a user dictionary.
Solution: The "Add" item or button is displayed or enabled only if a user dictionary is available to which words can be added. If no user dictionary files are available, then the "Add" item or button will not appear or will be disabled. If user dictionary files are listed in the UserDictionaryFiles property but can't be opened for some reason (e.g., the files do not exist in the same directory as wspell.ocx or their paths are incorrect), the "Add" item or button will also be hidden or disabled. The solution is to set the UserDictionaryFiles property to the name of a writable user dictionary file, or determine why the specified file cannot be opened.
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