Wintertree Software Inc.

WSpell ActiveX Spelling Checker


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Problems with using WSpell on Web pages

This document describes some of the things you can try when you have problems getting WSpell to work in a Web page displayed using Internet Explorer.

Getting ActiveX controls to work in Internet Explorer is definitely non-trivial. Internet Explorer is very "fussy" about how things are set up, and if anything goes wrong, it generally displays the same message: "Object does not support this property or method." As far as we can tell, this message means IE was unable to create an instance of the control, so any attempt to refer to it in a script won't work. Unfortunately, a large number of problems can prevent IE from creating an instance of the control.

The topic "Using WSpell in Web Pages" in the WSpell Programmer's Guide contains detailed instructions on adding WSpell to a Web page. Instructions in this document should be followed carefully.

Here are some ideas, things to try, and general information that may be of use if you run into problems:

<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:5220cb21-c88d-11cf-b347-00aa00a28331">
<PARAM NAME="LPKPath" VALUE="thispage.LPK">

For more information on using licensed ActiveX controls, see MSKB article Q159923.

Security warnings and errors

Problem: Internet Explorer displays a security warning or error when you attempt to use WSpell on a Web page.

Following are some points that may help:

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