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How to use Spell Check Applet in your formsWhen a spelling error is detected, the error is reported to the user, who disposes of the error by, for example, replacing the word with a correctly spelled word, or skipping over the word. Spell Check Applet includes two mechanisms for interacting with the user to dispose of spelling errors: a built-in dialog box, and a pop-up HTML form. You can use either mechanism on your web site. Regardless of the approach you use, you will need to add a reference to Spell Check Applet to the HTML page containing your form. The reference is made via the <APPLET> tag. The <APPLET> tag specifies the location of Spell Check Applet's JAR file, and defines some parameters. Spell Check Applet is typically used to check the spelling of text entered by a user in a web-page form. The text could be entered in a text field (single line) or a text area (multi-line). Most likely, the spelling check will be requested by the user, so a "Check Spelling" button is placed on the form (the spelling check could also be done automatically, before the form is submitted to the server, for example). Using the built-in dialog boxTo use Spell Check Applet's built-in dialog box, include a reference to a JavaScript file named SpellCheckApplet.js (which is a file included with the Spell Check Applet software) This file is referenced in an HTML file using the following markup: <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript1.1" SRC="SpellCheckApplet.js"></SCRIPT> Add a "Check Spelling" button to your form, and set its ONCLICK handler to the onCheckSpelling JavaScript function. Pass a reference to the text area object you want to check as a parameter to this function. For example, if your page contains a form named messageForm with a single text area named body, create your button like this: <INPUT TYPE=BUTTON NAME="checkSpellingBtn" VALUE="Check Spelling" Using the pop-up spelling formTo use a pop-up spelling form, include a reference to a JavaScript file named onCheckSpellingBtn.js (which is a file included with the Spell Check Applet software) This file is referenced in an HTML file using the following markup: <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript1.1" SRC="onCheckSpellingBtn.js"></SCRIPT> Add a "Check Spelling" button to your form, and set its ONCLICK handler to the onCheckSpellingBtn JavaScript function. Pass a reference to the text area object you want to check as a parameter to this function. For example, if your page contains a form named megForm with a single text area named body, create your button like this: <INPUT TYPE=BUTTON NAME="checkSpellingBtn" VALUE="Check Spelling" MethodsMethods are the functions called by JavaScript code in your Web forms to perform some action. Although Spell Check Applet includes JavaScript code for easy integration with your web forms, you can call its methods directly for specialized applications.
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