WSpell ActiveX Spell Checker for Visual Basic |
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You are here: Home > Add a spell checker to your applications > Visual Basic > Using WSpell > How to check spelling of a single word non-interactively
WSpell's TestWord method can be used to quickly determine if a word is spelled correctly or not. You pass the word you want to check as a parameter, and TestWord returns True if the word is spelled correctly (i.e., was found in a dictionary) and False otherwise (i.e., is misspelled). Here is an example:
If (Not WSpell1.TestWord(word$)) Then
MsgBox word$ + " is OK"
MsgBox word$ + " is misspelled"
End If
The TestWord method doesn't affect other WSpell properties or fire events, so it's handy for doing a quick check in the middle of an ongoing spelling check.
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