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Product: Sentry Spelling Checker Engine Java SDK
Problem: All words, even common ones, are reported as misspelled, and no suggestions are offered.
The most likely cause is forgetting to call LicenseKey.setKey with your evaluation license key, or passing an invalid or expired key to LicenseKey.setKey.
Before your application can use the Sentry Java class library, it must call the LicenseKey.setKey method and pass a valid license key. Your license key is provided in an e-mail message sent to you when you request the evaluation software. The license key is an eight-digit hexadecimal number.
If the LicenseKey.setKey method is not called, or the license key passed is not valid, the Sentry engine will not work correctly.
The LicenseKey.setKey method needs to be called only once, but there is no harm in calling it more than once.
The best time to call the LicenseKey.setKey method is just before you construct a SpellingSession or PropSpellingSession object, like this:
SpellingSession speller = new SpellingSession();
(Substitute your license key for 0x1234ABCD in this example and the following examples.)
The license key used by examples included with Sentry Java SDK V5.10 and later can be set through command line parameters or servlet parameters. Instructions are contained within the Sentry Java SDK programmer's guide. For pre-5.10 versions, the example's source code must be edited to insert your license key.
The SqLex and Validate tools included with the Sentry Java SDK in the "tools" directory will accept the license key passed as a command-line parameter. The key is specified following a "-k" switch:
java ssce/tools/SqLex/SqLex -k 0x1234ABCD buildfile.bldjava ssce/tools/Validate/Validate -k 0x1234ABCD
For solutions to other causes to this problem, please see Most or all words reported as misspelled.
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