Using WSpell with a third-party edit controlYou are here: Home > Support > WSpell Problem: When you set WSpell's TextControlHWnd property to the handle of a third-party text control, nothing happens, or the results aren't as you expect. Discussion: WSpell communicates with the control being checked through standard messages such as WM_GETTEXTLENGTH and WM_GETTEXT. This technique works with standard text and rich-text boxes. Unfortunately, many third-party controls do not respond to these messages, or they respond in non-standard ways. Solution: The solution is to add code in your application to "bridge the gap" between WSpell and the third-party control. An example of this technique can be found in the "Check 3rd Party" demo included with the WSpell example programs (e.g., see the wspell\vb\example directory). The Check 3rd Party demo uses a regular edit control (text box), but the technique applies to most third-party controls as well. The technique works as follows
See Using WSpell with TX Text Control for instructions on dealing with that specific control. |
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