Using WSpell in a non-dialog container in MFC

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Problem: I'm trying to use WSpell in my MFC application, but I don't want to add WSpell to a dialog box. How do I do this?

Solution: When you use an ActiveX control this way, your application is behaving like an ActiveX control container, so it must support the ActiveX licensing protocol. In general, the container asks the control for a copy of its licensing information at "design time" and holds on to this information internally. At run time, the container passes the licensing information to the control for verification.

When you add a control to the VC++ gallery, VC++ gets the control's licensing information. When you add the control to a project, VC++ puts the licensing information in the resource script. Your application can read the licensing information from the resource at run time and pass that to WSpell when it creates the control object. We have been unable to locate any information on the details of doing this in Microsoft's VC++ documentation or knowledge base.

Using our Sentry Spelling-Checker Engine Windows SDK product in this case would be simpler. Sentry comes with an MFC class that makes integration with MFC applications in non-dialog situations simpler than using WSpell.

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